
Do notation

Do notation is provided as semantic sugar for expressing complex monadic computations.

At its simplest, a do expression looks something like:

do {
  val1 <- <action2>;
  val2 <- <action3 involving val1>;
  <action 4 involving val1 and 2>;
  return <expression involving val1 and 2>;

Each action has a monadic type, and the vals are names. This translates to a sequence of binds, of the expressions on the right hand side of <- and a lambda with val1 as a parameter and the translation of the rest as the body. Sometimes we want to ignore the value returned by an action, in which case the lambda has a dummy parameter that gets ignored. return is simply syntactic sugar for calling pure.

We sometimes may also wish to bind non-monadic values within a monadic computation. We may also wish to conditionally perform monadic actions, by nesting do-expressions inside of ifs. For example:

local result::IOMonad<Integer> = do {
  txt::String <- readFileM("file.txt");
  let isEmpty::Boolean = length(txt) == 0;
  if isEmpty then
  else pure(());
  if txt == "Hello" then do {
    return 2;

The bind and pure operations for any particular monadic type are specified via type classes. Silver also implements GHC’s applicative do desugaring, using the map and ap methods of the Functor and Applicative type classes in place of bind where possible; this sometimes allows for better efficiency.

MDo notation

While Silver generally supports recursive and mutually-recursive bindings globally and in production bodies, the bindings within a monadic computation can typically only refer to previous bindings. This is sometimes an annoying limitation - for example in dealing with lists as lazy “streams” of data, as found in the Silver driver:

rootStream :: [Maybe<RootSpec>] <-
  unsafeInterleaveIO(compileGrammars(svParser, benv, grammarStream, a.doClean));

let grammarStream :: [String] =
  buildGrammars ++
  eatGrammars(length(buildGrammars), buildGrammars, rootStream, unit.grammarList);

let unit :: Decorated Compilation =
      foldr(consGrammars, nilGrammars(), catMaybes(rootStream)), ...)
  with ...;

Here rootStream depends on grammarStream, which depends on unit, which depends on rootStream.

Recursive monadic computations can be defined by wrapping them in the monadic fixed-point combinator mfix :: (m<a> ::= (m<a> ::= a)), defined by the MonadFix type class. Since doing this manually can be somewhat tedious, Silver supports the mutually-recursive mdo notation as found in Haskell. mdo syntax is identical to regular do, except that all bindings are mutually visible. mdo is desugared to an ordinary do by inserting mfix where needed. Consider the following (contrived) example:

mdo {
  even :: (Boolean ::= Integer) <- pure(\ x::Integer -> if x == 0 then true else odd(x - 1, ()));
  let odd :: (Boolean ::= Integer ()) = \ x::Integer () -> if x == 0 then false else even(x - 1);
  i::Integer <- getState();
  return even(i);

This desugars to

do {
  _rec_res_1 :: ((Boolean ::= Integer), (Boolean ::= Integer ())) <-
    mfix(\ _rec_res_1 :: ((Boolean ::= Integer), (Boolean ::= Integer ())) -> do {
      let even :: (Boolean ::= Integer) = _rec_res_1.1;
      let odd :: (Boolean ::= Integer ()) = _rec_res_1.2;
      even :: (Boolean ::= Integer) <- pure(\ x::Integer -> if x == 0 then true else odd(x - 1, ()));
      let odd :: (Boolean ::= Integer ()) = \ x::Integer () -> if x == 0 then false else even(x - 1);
      return (even, odd);
  let even :: (Boolean ::= Integer) = _rec_res_1.1;
  let odd :: (Boolean ::= Integer ()) = _rec_res_1.2;
  i::Integer <- getState();
  return even(i);