
Contents of [silver:langutil]:

Defined in this grammar:

abstract production extensionGenerated   (top::OriginNote ::= extName::String )

Contained in grammar [silver:langutil]. Defined at silver/langutil/Origins.sv line 124.

This note can be attached to indicate that code is generated by an extension, and should not contain errors. If an error is encountered in extension-generated code, a diagnostic message is printed by showMessage.

fun getParsedOriginLocationOrFallback   (Location ::= arg::a )

Contained in grammar [silver:langutil]. Defined at silver/langutil/Origins.sv line 134.

Try to walk back to a parsedOriginInfo and extract the location the node came from in the source, giving diagnostic garbage if failed.

fun showOriginInfoChain   (String ::= arg::a )

Contained in grammar [silver:langutil]. Defined at silver/langutil/Origins.sv line 143.

Render the origin chain for a term as a human-readable string.

fun logicalLocationFromOrigin   (OriginNote ::= arg::a )

Contained in grammar [silver:langutil]. Defined at silver/langutil/Origins.sv line 149.

Shorthand for note specifying logical location as some object’s origin

fun originatesInExt   (Maybe<String> ::= chain::[OriginInfo] )

Contained in grammar [silver:langutil]. Defined at silver/langutil/Origins.sv line 155.

Walk back an orgin chain to determine if an object was generated by an extension.

synthesized attribute unparse :: String

Contained in grammar [silver:langutil]. Defined at silver/langutil/Attributes.sv line 11.


synthesized attribute pp :: Document

Contained in grammar [silver:langutil]. Defined at silver/langutil/Attributes.sv line 16.


synthesized attribute pps :: [Document]

Contained in grammar [silver:langutil]. Defined at silver/langutil/Attributes.sv line 21.


synthesized attribute ast<a> :: a

Contained in grammar [silver:langutil]. Defined at silver/langutil/Attributes.sv line 26.


monoid attribute errors :: [Message]

Contained in grammar [silver:langutil]. Defined at silver/langutil/Attributes.sv line 31.


fun originNotesPP   (Document ::= ns::[OriginNote] )

Contained in grammar [silver:langutil]. Defined at silver/langutil/Origins.sv line 116.


fun findExtensionGeneratedNote   (Maybe<String> ::= notes::[OriginNote] )

Contained in grammar [silver:langutil]. Defined at silver/langutil/Origins.sv line 163.
