
Contents of [silver:compiler:extension:doc:extra]:

Defined in this grammar:

This grammar is just a bunch of imports. It is run by the generate-documentation script, and just builds documentation. The jar it produces is just thrown away.

Example top-level doc comment

function main   (IOVal<Integer> ::= args::[String] ioIn::IOToken )

Contained in grammar [silver:compiler:extension:doc:extra]. Defined at silver/compiler/extension/doc/extra/Main.sv line 59.

Dummy main function that does nothing. Example link: dummyFunction at silver:compiler:extension:doc:extra/Main.sv#66

function dummyFunction   (Integer ::= )

Contained in grammar [silver:compiler:extension:doc:extra]. Defined at silver/compiler/extension/doc/extra/Main.sv line 66.

Also a dummy function that does nothing