Unique references

Unique references are an extension to Silver’s notion of references to decorated trees.

NOTE: This feature is under active development. This documentation is somewhat incomplete and will be revised soon.

The Exponential Redecoration Problem and decExpr

Let’s take as an example, compiling a simple language with integers, booleans, and overloaded operators. This language has an overloaded &, so that:

> true & false // logical
> 12 & 5       // bitwise

One way to implement this operator might look something like:

production andExpr
top::Expr ::= lhs::Expr  rhs::Expr
  forwards to
    case lhs.type, rhs.type of
    | boolType(), boolType() -> call(global("boolAnd"), exprsCons(lhs, exprsCons(rhs, exprsNil())))
    |  intType(),  intType() -> call(global( "intAnd"), exprsCons(lhs, exprsCons(rhs, exprsNil())))
    | _, _ -> errorExpr(...)

However, this has a big performance problem hiding in it! lhs and rhs must be undecorated terms in order to be passed to exprsCons, so after decoration inference, the code is equivalent to:

production andExpr
top::Expr ::= lhs::Expr  rhs::Expr
  forwards to
    case lhs.type, rhs.type of
    | boolType(), boolType() -> call(global("boolAnd"), exprsCons(new(lhs), exprsCons(new(rhs), exprsNil())))
    |  intType(),  intType() -> call(global( "intAnd"), exprsCons(new(lhs), exprsCons(new(rhs), exprsNil())))
    | _, _ -> errorExpr(...)

This code may re-type-check an expression a number of times exponential in the nestedness of the expression! To see why, let’s look at how the expression 1 & (2 & (3 & 4)) gets type-checked, and count how many times 4 gets type-checked.

  • To type-check 1 & (2 & (3 & 4)), we need to evaluate its forward and type-check that; to do that, we need to type-check 1 and 2 & (3 & 4).
    • Type-checking 1 is trivial.
    • To type-check 2 & (3 & 4), we need to evaluate its forward and type-check that; to do that, we need to type-check 2 and 3 & 4.
      • Type-checking 2 is trivial.
      • To type-check 3 & 4, we need to evaluate its forward and type-check that; to do that, we need to type-check 3 and 4.
        • Type-checking 3 is trivial.
        • Type-checking 4 is trivial. (Type-checked 1 time)
        • 3 & 4 forwards to intAnd(3, 4)
        • To type-check intAnd(3, 4), we need to type-check 3 and 4.
          • Type-checking 3 is trivial.
          • Type-checking 4 is trivial. (Type-checked 2 times)
      • 2 & (3 & 4) forwards to intAnd(2, 3 & 4).
      • To type-check intAnd(2, 3 & 4), we need to type-check 2 and 3 & 4.
        • Type-checking 2 is trivial.
        • To type-check 3 & 4, we need to evaluate its forward and type-check that; to do that, we need to type-check 3 and 4.
          • Type-checking 3 is trivial.
          • Type-checking 4 is trivial. (Type-checked 3 times)
          • 3 & 4 forwards to intAnd(3, 4)
          • To type-check intAnd(3, 4), we need to type-check 3 and 4.
            • Type-checking 3 is trivial.
            • Type-checking 4 is trivial. (Type-checked 4 times)
    • 1 & (2 & (3 & 4)) forwards to intAnd(1, (2 & (3 & 4))).
    • To type-check intAnd(1, intAnd(2, intAnd(3, 4))), we need to typecheck 1 and intAnd(2, intAnd(3, 4)).
      • Type-checking 1 is trivial.
      • To type-check 2 & (3 & 4), we need to evaluate its forward and type-check that; to do that, we need to type-check 2 and 3 & 4.
        • Type-checking 2 is trivial.
        • To type-check 3 & 4, we need to evaluate its forward and type-check that; to do that, we need to type-check 3 and 4.
          • Type-checking 3 is trivial.
          • Type-checking 4 is trivial. (Type-checked 5 times)
          • 3 & 4 forwards to intAnd(3, 4)
          • To type-check intAnd(3, 4), we need to type-check 3 and 4.
            • Type-checking 3 is trivial.
            • Type-checking 4 is trivial. (Type-checked 6 times)
        • 2 & (3 & 4) forwards to intAnd(2, 3 & 4).
        • To type-check intAnd(2, 3 & 4), we need to type-check 2 and 3 & 4.
          • Type-checking 2 is trivial.
          • To type-check 3 & 4, we need to evaluate its forward and type-check that; to do that, we need to type-check 3 and 4.
            • Type-checking 3 is trivial.
            • Type-checking 4 is trivial. (Type-checked 7 times)
            • 3 & 4 forwards to intAnd(3, 4)
            • To type-check intAnd(3, 4), we need to type-check 3 and 4.
              • Type-checking 3 is trivial.
              • Type-checking 4 is trivial. (Type-checked 8 times)

The typical solution to this, colloquially called “decExpr productions,” is to have a production like:

production decExpr
top::Expr ::= child::Decorated Expr
  top.type = child.type;
  -- equations for any other host-language synthesized attributes too
  -- since child is a reference, it already has all its inherited attributes

Then, instead of writing new (or having it implicitly inserted for you), you write:

production andExpr
top::Expr ::= lhs::Expr  rhs::Expr
  forwards to
    case lhs.type, rhs.type of
    | boolType(), boolType() -> call(global("boolAnd"), exprsCons(decExpr(lhs), exprsCons(decExpr(rhs), exprsNil())))
    |  intType(),  intType() -> call(global( "intAnd"), exprsCons(decExpr(lhs), exprsCons(decExpr(rhs), exprsNil())))
    | _, _ -> errorExpr(...)

Now, when you type-check 1 & (2 & (3 & 4)), 4 gets type-checked only once (using {| child |} as concrete syntax for decExpr):

  • To type-check 1 & (2 & (3 & 4)), we need to evaluate its forward and type-check that; to do that, we need to type-check 1 and 2 & (3 & 4).
    • Type-checking 1 is trivial.
    • To type-check 2 & (3 & 4), we need to evaluate its forward and type-check that; to do that, we need to type-check 2 and 3 & 4.
      • Type-checking 2 is trivial.
      • To type-check 3 & 4, we need to evaluate its forward and type-check that; to do that, we need to type-check 3 and 4.
        • Type-checking 3 is trivial.
        • Type-checking 4 is trivial. (Type-checked 1 time)
        • 3 & 4 forwards to intAnd({| 3 |}, {| 4 |})
        • To type-check intAnd({| 3 |}, {| 4 |}), we need to type-check {| 3 |} and {| 4 |}.
          • Type-checking {| 3 |} can use the already-computed type, so it doesn’t need to do the actual work!
          • Type-checking {| 4 |} can use the already-computed type, so it doesn’t need to do the actual work!
      • 2 & (3 & 4) forwards to intAnd({| 2 |}, {| intAnd({| 3 |}, {| 4 |}) |})
      • To type-check intAnd({| 2 |}, {| intAnd({| 3 |}, {| 4 |}) |}), we need to type-check {| 2 |} and {| intAnd({| 3 |}, {| 4 |}) |}
        • Type-checking {| 2 |} can use the already-computed type, so it doesn’t need to do the actual work!
        • Type-checking {| intAnd({| 3 |}, {| 4 |}) |} can use the already-computed type, so it doesn’t need to do the actual work!
    • 1 & (2 & (3 & 4)) forwards to intAnd({| 1 |}, {| intAnd({| 2 |}, {| intAnd({| 3 |}, {| 4 |}) |}) |})
    • To type-check intAnd({| 2 |}, {| intAnd({| 3 |}, {| 4 |}) |}), we need to type-check {| 2 |} and {| intAnd({| 3 |}, {| 4 |}) |}
      • Type-checking {| 1 |} can use the already-computed type, so it doesn’t need to do the actual work!
      • Type-checking {| intAnd({| 2 |}, {| intAnd({| 3 |}, {| 4 |}) |}) |} can use the already-computed type, so it doesn’t need to do the actual work!

Problems of decExpr With Extensions

Let’s say the compiler was structured so type-checking and most other semantic analyses are in the “core,” but actual translations are implemented as extensions. (Or if that feels a bit far-fetched, pretend this is an extension that adds a new translation.)

To collect all the target language declarations, we have a threaded pair of attributes. (This might be done instead of using a monoid attribute to allow for pure generation of fresh names.)

inherited attribute transDeclsIn::[Decl];
synthesized attributes transDecls::[Decl];

What would the aspect for decExpr look like? It can’t simply add additional attributes to the reference, so there’s not really a better solution than:

aspect production decExpr
top::Expr ::= child::Decorated Expr
  production transDeclsChild::Expr = child;
  transDeclsChild.typeEnv = top.typeEnv;
  -- equations for any other host-language inherited attributes in transDecls' flowtype
  transDeclsChild.transDeclsIn = top.transDeclsIn;
  top.transDecls = transDeclsChild.transDecls;

However, this has the exponential redecoration problem again, for the transDecls attribute! What we want is some way to write:

aspect production decExpr
top::Expr ::= child::Decorated Expr
  child.transDeclsIn = top.transDeclsIn;
  top.transDecls = child.transDecls;

However, this isn’t possible, since we don’t know that child doesn’t already have an equation for transDeclsIn. For example, another extension could add:

production fooExpr
top::Expr ::=
  local expr::Expr = litIntExpr(5);
  expr.transDeclsIn = [];
  forwards to
    if expr.someSynThatDependsOnTransDeclsIn
    then decExpr(expr)
    else errorExpr(...);

In this case, the child.transDeclsIn equation in decExpr can’t work, since the process of computing someSynThatDependsOnTransDeclsIn might have put the [] somewhere that it might need to be removed.1

Unique references as a Solution

Unique references make it sound to write child.transDeclsIn, under some conditions. It introduces a new variety of type, Decorated! ... with ..., where Decorated! is pronounced “unique decorated”.

Decorated! Expr is a unique reference to some tree, that may be safely supplied with additional inherited attributes without potentially creating duplicate equations. If you were to instead write:

aspect production decExpr
top::Expr ::= child::Decorated! Expr
  child.transDeclsIn = top.transDeclsIn;
  top.transDecls = child.transDecls;

This will reuse any thunks that are already present on child, like the original decExpr did. However, transDecls now works!

Overriding equations

Decorating a tree with additional attributes works by mutating the original tree to add the additional attribute equations.

When a direct equation is supplied to a tree, and the tree is later supplied with additional inherited attributes through a reference, the original equation takes precedence:

production barExpr
top::Expr ::= child::Expr
  child.barInh = true;
  top.errors <- if child.barSyn then [] else [err(child.location, "Not bar")];

  forwards to barFwd(child);

production barFwd
top::Expr ::= child::Decorated! Expr with {env}
  child.barInh = false;

Here child in the forward of barExpr will have barInh = false, despite the equation in barFwrd.


The uniqueness analysis enforces that there is never more than one unique reference taken to a tree. Thus it illegal to take multiple unique references to the same decoration site:

production bazExpr
top::Expr ::= child::Expr
  production child1::Decorated! Expr = child;
  child1.barInh = true;

  production child2::Decorated! Expr = child;
  child2.barInh = true;

  top.barSyn = child1.barSyn || child2.barSyn;

Unique references may also only be taken in unique contexts, that is expressions that are known to only be decorated once. These are forward and local equations, and arguments to production calls that are themselves in unique contexts.

  1. One might have the idea that we could just make a copy of the tree, and remove any attribute values that somehow depend on the attributes being supplied. However actually storing the needed dependency information at run time would add quite a bit of overhead and complexity, and we would still like to share the portions of the tree that don’t depend on the removed attributes - this is more difficult to achieve than it may appear. ↩︎