AbleC is an implementation of C, at the C11 standard, using Silver. This is used as a host language in our work on extensible languages.
See our OOPSLA 2017 paper: Reliable and Automatic Composition of Language Extensions to C: The ableC Extensible Language Framework.
To date we’ve developed a number of language extensions. These include extensions for:
- Algebraic data types, with pattern matching
- SQLite, with type-checked queries
- Cilk, for task-based parallel programming
- Regular expressions, with matching
- An extension that combines these two to allow regular expressions to be used as patterns when matching on strings as part of an algebraic data type
- Matrix features from MATLAB and a
function construct that generates the boilerplate FFI types and code for calling such functions from MATLAB - Term rewriting, inspired by the TOM system and Kiama
- Closures / lambda-expressions
- Prolog-inspired logic programming
- A partial demo of HALIDE-like extensions, a DSL for high performance matrix processing
These all pass the modular determinism analysis in Copper and the modular well-definedness analysis in Silver.
To get started with ableC, look here.