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fileName - Variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.runtime.engines.semantics.VirtualLocation
The filename pertaining to the location.
fill(Grammar) - Method in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.spec.grammarbeans.ExtensionGrammar
Fills this extension grammar with the elements of another grammar.
FINAL_REPORT - Static variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.logging.CompilerLogMessageType
The final report message, containing grammar and parse table metrics, as well as the number of parse table conflicts and lexical ambiguities found and resolved.
first() - Method in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.runtime.auxiliary.Pair
Gets the first element of this Pair.
flush() - Method in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.logging.CompilerLogger
Tells the logger's handler to "flush" itself (e.g., print out any messages it has stored).
flush() - Method in interface edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.logging.CompilerLogHandler
flush() - Method in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.logging.PrintCompilerLogHandler
FOLLOW_SPILLAGE - Static variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.logging.CompilerLogMessageType
"Follow spillage" errors from the modular determinism analysis, raised when an extension introduces new members to the follow set of a host nonterminal.
fromSAXLocator(InputPosition, Locator) - Static method in class
Builds a position based on information from a Locator object.
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