- latchLocation - Variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.runtime.engines.semantics.SpecialParserAttributes
Whether or not to "latch" the location on a shift action,
i.e., re-scan the same token on the next scan.
- layout - Variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.spec.grammarbeans.Production
The set of layout terminals (e.g., whitespace, comments) that can appear
between the symbols of this production's right-hand side.
- LEXICAL_AMBIGUITY - Static variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.logging.CompilerLogMessageType
Lexical ambiguities.
- lhs - Variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.spec.grammarbeans.Production
The production's left-hand-side nonterminal.
- line - Variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.runtime.engines.semantics.VirtualLocation
The line number pertaining to the location.
- location - Variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.spec.grammarbeans.CopperASTBean
The location of this grammar object (generally containing filename, line, and column number).
- location - Variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.spec.grammarbeans.CopperElementReference
The location of the reference.
- Location - Interface in edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.runtime.io
This interface represents parsing locations (can be real or virtual).
- log(CompilerLogMessage) - Method in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.logging.CompilerLogger
Sends the given message through to the logger's handler.
- logError(CompilerLogMessage) - Method in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.logging.CompilerLogger
Sends the given message, which is understood to be an error message,
through to the logger's handler.
- logFile - Variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.ant.CopperAntTask
A file to which Copper's log output (error/warning/info messages) will be sent.
- logFile - Variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.main.ParserCompilerParameters
A file to which Copper's log output (error/warning/info messages) will be sent.
- logger - Variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.main.ParserCompilerParameters
The logging object through which Copper's log output (error/warning/info messages) will be filtered.
- logStream - Variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.ant.CopperAntTask
A stream to which Copper's log output (error/warning/info messages) will be sent.
- logStream - Variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.main.ParserCompilerParameters
A stream to which Copper's log output (error/warning/info messages) will be sent.
- logType - Variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.main.ParserCompilerParameters
Controls whether to send Copper's log output (error/warning/info messages) to a file or a stream.
- LOOKAHEAD_SPILLAGE - Static variable in class edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.logging.CompilerLogMessageType
"Lookahead spillage" errors from the modular determinism analysis, raised when an
extension introduces new lookahead.