edu.umn.cs.melt.copper.compiletime.auxiliary.SetOfCharsSyntax chars
CopperElementType type
CopperElementName name
String displayName
Location location
String symbol
CopperElementName grammarName
CopperElementName name
is set to null,
it will be resolved within the scope of the grammar in which the reference appears.Location location
String code
CopperElementReference disambiguateTo
.Set<E> members
CopperElementName hostGrammar
Set<E> markingTerminals
must have one of these as their first right-hand-side symbol, and they may
not be used anywhere else.Set<E> bridgeProductions
H ::= m E
, where:
is the name of a nonterminal
in the "host" grammar;m
is the name of
; and E
is this
grammar's start symbol.Hashtable<K,V> grammarElements
Set<E> grammarLayout
Hashtable<K,V> types
String returnType
Regex subexp
CopperElementReference macroName
Hashtable<K,V> grammars
CopperElementReference startSymbol
Set<E> startLayout
boolean isUnitary
String packageDecl
.String className
must not be a fully qualified name.Set<E> interfaceNames
String parserInitCode
String postParseCode
String preambleCode
String parserClassAuxCode
String semanticActionAuxCode
String defaultProductionCode
String defaultTerminalCode
CopperElementReference lhs
ArrayList<E> rhs
ArrayList<E> rhsVarNames
or a list of the same size as rhs
elements are set to null
if their corresponding symbol
has no variable name.CopperElementReference operator
CopperElementReference precedenceClass
) of the production's operator
(see Production.operator
) is used for that.OperatorClass
Integer precedence
Set<E> layout
, the production will inherit layout from
the grammar, if grammar layout is defined.Grammar.grammarLayout
String code
Regex regex
CopperElementReference operatorClass
Integer operatorPrecedence
OperatorAssociativity operatorAssociativity
String code
Set<E> terminalClasses
Set<E> submitList
Set<E> dominateList
CopperElementReference prefix
boolean isModified
String hash
int tabStop
int line
int column
String fileName
VirtualLocation virtualLocation
InputPosition realLocation
int parseState
ArrayList<E> expectedTerminalsRealNames
ArrayList<E> expectedTerminalsDisplayNames
ArrayList<E> matchedTerminalsRealNames
ArrayList<E> matchedTerminalsDisplayNames
String locationDescription
String stringDescription
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